2021 09 11
Love is… Meilė yra lankyti parodas ir klausytis geros muzikos. Vilniaus galerijų savaitgalio metu rugsėjo 11 d., nuo 16-20 val. eksperimentinė galerija 8 AKYS IR AUSYS ir RADIO VILNIUS kviečia į vienos dienos renginį – muzikos, ir šokių vakarą prie galerijos vijoklių. Bus daug saldžios gumos, vaizdų, laisvės, meilės ir garsų.
♫ Ausis garsų pripildys:
Parodos ir garsų ieškoti adresu: Algirdo g.38, Vilnius (arčiau Algirdo g. 40c pastato)
Kviečiame užklysti ir palaikyti nepriklausomas, bendruomenę Naujamiestyje jungiančias iniciatyvas. Renginys nemokamas.
Radio Vilnius: https://radiovilnius.live/
Vilniaus galerijų savaitgalis: https://vilniausgalerijusavaitgalis.lt/
// EN //
Love is… attending exhibitions and listening to good music. During Vilnius Gallery Weekend on September 11, from 4 PM till 8 PM., experimental gallery 8 EYES AND EARS and RADIO VILNIUS invite you to a one-day event – a music and dance evening.
♫ The ears will be filled with sounds by:
✎ About the Exhibition:
Exhibition LOVE IS… is titled by the name of popular chewing gum. This is a debut work by Jonas Balsevičius and Karolina Žalėnaitė - art students from London. The exhibition could be interpreted as a retrospective of love, which aims to understand and rethink the behaviour of society and the systematization of the concept of love. Using kitsch as a creative tool, the aim is to ridicule one’s strange attempt to simplify everything around them, including love - perhaps the most complicated natural phenomenon. The exhibition combines K.Žalėnaitė’s installation about expressions of love and objects created by the duo exclusively for the gallery space. Decorative works made of ready-made material, the well-known bubble gum that you have probably tried at least once in your life - “Love is...”
Location: Algirdo str. 38, Vilnius (closer to Algirdo str. 40c building).